i have a feeling...

...that God is going to use me in ways that I can't imagine right now. In class today we were talking about biblical leadership and at the end of class the professor asked if we were willing to step up and be this kind of leader, a servant who sacrificed for others. He then asked us to try envisioning where we would be five years from now in ministry.

First off, I want to be a servant leader! That is a goal of mine and something I want to strive for.

Secondly, I was thinking about my future in ministry and all I saw myself doing was being involved in life change. The next thought I had about my future in ministry was that of missions work.

Could mission work be for me? I have a feeling that it could be. Being able to be relational, teach, think outside of the box, work with families and having to be entirely dependent on Christ...what could be better than that?!?!

It's something to think about..."gonna be a good night"!

1 comment:

  1. I believe God has great plans to use you for His kingdom, and those plans are already taking place. I often pray Ephesians 3:20 over you, and I am confident that He will do immeasurably more through your willing heart than we can imagine. You are a servant leader. This blesses my heart watching your continual growth in the Lord. I see and understand your heart for missions. This is an exciting season in your life and full dependence on the Lord for direction is a beautiful place to be. Nothing better than to be in the center of His will.
    Loving and praying for you,
