a little this and that...

Wow, I just had an amazing conversation tonight with a good friend. I am a very relational person and really get fueled up by conversations such as this, and through this have thought about things with a slightly different lens.

One such thing is girls. We talked about relationships and girls in each others lives (or lack there of/prospects) and what we valued. I walked away with the idea that waiting is good and that this girl has got to be pretty phenomenal! We also talked about love and how the day you say "I do" is when your relationship is set in stone and that the commitment of love, not the feeling of love is the foundation.

Is life really all that complicated? I would say yes, there is so much to think about and process through and decisions to make. All of this then needs to be filtered through a number of different lens' both biblical and culturally (or at least it would seem) before a final decision can be made. However what if we lived in black and white? What if you approached life with a very small consistent playbook? You always approached life with the utmost integrity, love for people, humility, wisdom and dependence on God especially through prayer? It seems like this would take a lot of the complications out of life.

One other thing that this guy said was great. He said (which he got from somewhere else), "live life as if you could lose your salvation while knowing that you are secure in Christ". Now I don't know if this completely encompasses the Christian life, in fact I know it doesn't, but it sure gives me perspective on a godly fear. I all to often think and approach God as a mentor, friend, coach or guide. I don't approach him as my GOD. I don't have a commitment to my God that would overshadow anything else that could ever happen in life to me. I think this is so because I don't necessarily see him as my God. I want to, and it is my prayer, reoriente my view of God as I AM.

Well I need to write a paper for class, but this is healthy for me to journal and process and be transparent (with whomever may read this...) and I love it. I wish I blogged/journaled more often but time doesn't necessarily allow for it. I'll leave with this prayer:

God, make me see you as God. In some way this week knock me to my knees and make me realize just how just, powerful, loving and everything else you are. Father help me to be a man who lives humbly and loves deeply and cares for those that need to be cared for. I want to grow, help me to do so. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting is good when you are waiting on God Almighty...the great "I AM." He is holy and His ways are higher and better than we can imagine. Your wife is incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I just know it!!! Praying for God's best for you all your life and so I know she is amazing and perfect fit for you and you for her. God is working in both of your lives to prepare you for His perfect timing to bring you together. So actively wait on Him...His ways and timing is BEST.
    Love you,
